What I Did Over Summer Break
And so I remembered going back to school and everyone, teachers included, asking "So, what did you do over your summer break?" and while I certainly did NOT have a summer break, I still love the idea of documenting my summer in photos.
This summer, I started an internship, photographed my first big wedding,celebrated my Pop Pop's 80th birthday, went to Nashville, toured the Jack Daniels Distillery, saw over 20 country artists live in concert, visited a friend, at delicious pancakes, stood on the Grand Ole Opry stage, reunited with old friends, learned new assessments, walked along the river, made a new friend from Alabama, turned 28, had lots of breakfasts with friends, got a second job at a bookstore, photographed a quinceanera, celebrated babies, got a cat, visited a new park, saw more rainbows in 3 months than in the last three years combined, sat in FRONT of the camera for once, went to IKEA, went to the beach for a day, ate fried oysters, got a flat tire, prayed A LOT, photographed birthday parties and scooter rallies, made new contacts for my thesis, overhauled my dresser, met my SGKBC3Day fundraising goal, read an awesome new book, and those were just the highlights! I know there were so many more tiny, wonderful moments that I can't even remember anymore! I vow to do better about that!

Consider writing your own "Summer Essay" to review all the fun you had and prepare yourself for the beautiful autumn season which is rapidly approaching! I don't know about you, but I sure am excited for Longwood Gardens in the fall, day trip to Pittsburgh, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day walk, making progress on my thesis, Apple Harvest, carving pumpkins, eating pomegranates, and seeing what's in store for my job. Summer 2011, you were great. Fall 2011, bring it on!