I can't believe that today marks the end of Week 11 of FinishYear! Sometimes I still think it's February, and I can't believe it's late March already! Anyway, FinishYear is a term I'm using from Jon Acuff, a Christian blogger whom I follow regularly because he is both wise and hilarious! He suggested that we all challenge ourselves to make 2012 a year of finishing things, as opposed to starting new resolutions. Dreams are great and all, but unfinished dreams accomplish nothing. FINISHING changes your life, if not the world!
So, we're eleven weeks in, and here's how I'm doing on the goals I designated for FinishYear.
-Finish Master's Degree: I finished my thesis defense presentation and made up my notes for it this week. I can't believe that this loooooooooong journey will likely be almost over on Friday! I defend my thesis at 10am on Friday, the 23rd, so if you think of it, PRAY!
-Finish Health Psych Cert: This week was the tenth week of class. Five more weeks to go. I read through the prevention plan that I will assess and supplement for this semester's paper. I also began an outline for the paper.
-Finish Scripture Index Cards: Did nothing on this one.
-Finish a letter to Karabo: I sent out Karabo's Easter card this week! It has a search and find game in it. He's only 2, but I hope he will enjoy it!
-Finish a storage/classification system for clients' photographs: I put $10 in my "External Hard Drive" envelope this week. I now have a little over $60 saved, and at this rate, I may have a 500MB or 1TB hard drive by the end of May. Then I will begin the process of transferring photos.
Because I defend my Master's thesis this Friday, it took up the majority of my time this week.
How's it going for you?
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